Thursday, May 6, 2010

Langston Hughes' Mother to Son'

Maybe it is nowadays that teens seem to rebel against their parents and their parents being strict on them, but when you were younger and are being brought up, your mom is there to protect you and teach you right from wrong, and bring you up to be the best you can be, and never give up doing what you believe in.

This poem proves the motherly love mothers have for their children. Langston Hughes's mom is basically telling him not to give up and that things weren't as easy for her either, yet she overcame whatever the situation was thrown at her. The term "
Life for me ain't been no crystal stair." was her basically saying that she didn't have the rich life where she would walk somewhere and things would be handed to her on a silver platter, she had to go through different obstacles and walk on splinters as she mentioned and go through "pain" in order for her to get anywhere.

I believe this is a very good lesson for anyone to learn and to teach their children at any age, it is never too late to learn that when things get hard, you just have to go on and try harder to get past it, and to NOT give up. Especially when you are growing up and are faced with difficult obstacles, you have to prove to yourself that you are capable of passing them and earning rewards from life for doing so. The advice from your parents isn't always so bad especially when it is from the heart and out of love.