Thursday, May 13, 2010

"Makeup on Empty Space" by Anne Waldman

What I read this poem at first, I was thinking that the author was basically trying to say that even empty space has a meaning and should be be paid attention to, but as I kept reading more it seemed to me as if the author was acting like God, she is making something out of nothing, she is creating a universe, she is creating people, she is creating beauty, just as many believed god did. M

Maybe she was staring off into space or staring at a spot that had nothing interesting going on and just created her own world with her own imagination and built her own world of dreams and accessories. Maybe she is talking about a new life coming into the world, or how nothing is ever empty, there is no such thing as "nothing" there is always "something"


  1. You're right about emptiness having meaning, i.e., the meaning of no meaning... see Diana A's blog, the discussion taking place there in the comments, including my own comment.

  2. see Henry's blog and my comment, as well

